A Beautiful Day

This weather is perfect. While China and parts of the northern U.S. are stumbling under severe snow and cold, we here in west central Florida have it made. It's supposed to climb to about 80 degrees today. Some might say that's way too warm for winter. I say it's wonderful! Winter is highly overrated, if you ask me. Yeah, it's true, summer is really hot here. Eighty degrees in summer is a whole lot different than 80 degrees in the winter, but I still prefer it over the 30s and 40s. Yeah, it's true that I have tons of sweaters and jackets (considering where I live) but I've found that most people in Florida have a love affair with their air conditioners and keep the interior temperature of their homes, cars and offices too cold for me. I mean, if you have to wear a sweatshirt inside your home in the summer, crank up that thermostat (you'll also save on your electric bill - imagine that). My old joke has been, and continues to be, that when I lived in Canada I put on my jacket to go outside; here in Florida, I put on my jacket to go inside. Ha!


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