And It Rained

The one thing about west-central Florida is so often when it rains, those storm clouds hanging threateningly in the sky, waiting for the perfect moment of heat and cold to meld, just literally open up the belly of the whale and let it rip. Ploughing through sudden lakes in the middle of the street in a car just a few inches from the asphalt is nervewracking--for me, at least. Some people ram through the water like they think they're driving a tank, sending waves roaring over other cars. No consideration, but so what else is new in this me-world we're all surviving in?

At least, today through all the torrential rain and grey skies, I have the relief of knowing that cop killer Dontae Morris is now in custody. Maybe there will be answers, but answers won't bring back Officers Curtis and Kocab.

Today was a good day for the rain.


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