More Kvetching

I have a web archiving report due tomorrow, and I don't understand how to answer at least half of the queries my professor has posted on her two-page checklist. I should have known that anything to do with the Web was going to be way too technical for my wayward brain (which constantly tells me to run outside and play, play, play). I toyed with the idea of simply not doing it, but then for sure there would be no "A" grade for me. Probably isn't going to happen anyway. If this is the first report, what are the others going to be like? And I'm not even going to mention the 1,000-word research paper due in April. Should have become a kindergarten teacher. Then I could play with paints and colors and picture books all day with a room full of busy (and, no doubt, noisy) five-year-olds. Nah. That wouldn't have worked either. Guess I just better keep on truckin' on the path I've chosen.


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