How did the NRA become so powerful? Go online right now and you'll see all sorts of people, mostly governors of various states, calling the NRA a terrorist organization, something a columnist (whose name escapes me) called the NRA some time ago. Governor Scott is being sued by NRA executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre for the few gun restrictions that the Florida Legislature managed to needle through their cemented way of thinking, only because of the Parkland students and their advocates who came hollering and pounding at their governmental door. We'll see how long the little bit of restrictions last . . . . 

Who knew that the NRA members received all the discounts at hotels, car rental companies, and airlines? Maybe this is how the rich, powerful world works. 

I can't believe how the president did an about-face on gun restrictions once the NRA began shouting and beating its primordial breast in aggression. Who are these people? How can they beat down the president of the United States and members of the U.S. Congress? How did they get control of this country with their twisted interpretation of the Second Amendment? Who funds them, and how much money buys a U.S. Senator or a Florida Legislature or a Kansas governor? I'm thinking of a price that might buy my change of heart. $1,000,000? I definitely could use that kind of money, but, no, I can't be bought. Guess the NRA will just have to go on buying policy makers.

Since 9/11, Americans have been concerned with terrorists. Forget ISIS. The newly bared threat to the U.S is the NRA. They freak me out because they own too many people in power who will do whatever the NRA wants, no matter if it is not what the American people want, no matter if it is not in the best interests of this country. 

I just reconnected with a friend of my brother's from 30 years ago. He says he's a libertarian, and he's arming himself against a tyrannical government. I thought what a crazy belief, but now I'm not too sure because if a tyrannical government does comes calling, I believe the NRA will be the puppet master.


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