Geez Louise, it's pouring. And it's 5 o'clock - time to go home. Okay, I think my plants have had enough water and my Suzuki is more than washed now. I wanna go home! Tonight it's "Survivor," my favorite show. Yay! I know, get a life, but it's fun curling up on a sofa with my animals all around me, relaxing, watching people on a little box stressing out while I'm eating a good meal and maybe drinking a glass of wine. Besides, I'm tired. I'm not 20 anymore and life wears me out. I like being in my home, surrounded by my things, playing mom to a family of animals. Other than the fleas and loose fur, it's great! Now, if only I had acreage so my animals could roam without fear of bad humans who want to harm them because they did something animal-like in their yards, then all would be well. Now, if only I lived in a quiet, peaceful place, all would be well with my spirit. And hey, as long as I'm wishing, a whole lot of money would be nice. Is anyone up there listening?