
Okay, so I forgot about my blog. So I forget everything these days. I call it the Florida Fog. Don't experience the Fog in the Pacific Northwest. Yes, they have fog there but not the Florida Fog in which your brain becomes soup and you forget the important things and sink into the daily stuff that people call living and you think that you're getting stuff done and you forget that you're more than a body walking around, paying the mortgage, mowing the grass, feeding the cats, walking the dogs (oh, I feed the dogs too - they wouldn't let me forget that). You forget the important things like feeding the spirit because here in Tampa, Florida, there is so much noise and busyness that you just keep running, trying to get away from it, and in the running you think that this is the way it is. It isn't. There are other places out there where you can hear the wind in the wings of a butterfly, where the call of the hawk is a voice from within, where the rain is gentle and creates flowers of brilliance.

Yes, I forgot about my blog. I forget a lot of things these days. But I have faith that one day I will climb the mountain of dreams. I will find out what's on the other side. Trouble is, right now I just can't find the map....


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