A Day That Should Have Been Snow
Looking out the window at the grey cloudy day that looks like snow will fall any minute, I wonder if I really want to move back to the Pacific Northwest. My neighborhood is getting better. Not as much noise and weird people wandering around. If someone quiet and nice would buy the house next door and fix it up, then I might want to stay here. Right now, there are at least 10 people (5-6 of them children who don't go to school) living in a house that's barely over 1,000 square feet. Their yard looks like a used car lot and a lot of the time it sounds like a school yard with never-ending recess. I now like rain and cold because it keeps the neighbors quiet. Maybe this is God's way of getting me ready to live in the Pacific Northwest once again. Or maybe it means nothing at all. The wind is picking up; it looks like a storm in the making. I think it's supposed to rain today. Ahhhh, peace and quiet and wet smelly dogs and little cat paw prints on the floor and the collective breath of my plants thanking the universe for the rain. Christmas is almost here. I decorated my tabletop tree last night and hung my one string of colored lights on the porch (hey, I go all out on decorations). My stocking is hung on the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicholas will dare to stop by and load it up with goodies. Yum!!!! I'm tired today. Too much decorating, I guess. Last night I watched the Victoria Secret fashion show special (for about 30 seconds). Are they kidding? What a waste of air space! So I turned the channel like a responsible person and watched Law & Order: SVU, which was all about lesbian mothers and violent children. Oh joy......