It's HUMP DAY!!! I'm taking Monday off from work and this week seems like it's never gonna end. I'm also not working this weekend so, baby, that's 3 (count 'em - 1,2,3) days without working. Have I won the Lotto or what! On Saturday, I am going to find historic downtown Palm Harbor. I didn't even know that Palm Harbor had a downtown, let alone an historic one. So, I'm gonna check it out. It's on my list of things to do before I die. Yeah, I know, it's not a mighty adventure but it's close to home and it's cheap and it can be done in an afternoon (that is, of course, counting on the fact that I actually find it).

This March weather has been absolutely stunning! This is one of the reasons Florida can be a great place to live. While northerners and midwesterners and westerners are battling snow and rain and cold weather, we in Florida are enjoying warm days, coolish nights, birds singing in the trees which are bursting with new leaves, the azaleas are all in bloom - it's almost perfect (except for the catkins - those wiggly things falling from oak trees), and, oh, the awakening of the fleas. Put some flea powder stuff (diatomaceous earth) on the dogs and now their fleas are jumpin' overboard and landing on me. Maybe I should go back to Advantage.

Well, gotta go. "Survivor" is on tonight instead of Thursday because of college basketball, and the girl just loves her "Survivor." Ciao.


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