Just Don't Get It
I don't understand why illegal aliens in this country think they have a right to the constitutional rights of bona fide citizens and legal aliens who (silly them) went through the green card process to officially work and live in this country. What right do illegal aliens have to just walk into this country and demand work, educational benefits, social benefits, housing, and free health care (which I don't have - I'm one of the infamous 43 million without health care insurance)? You may say, well, Rohana, you're originally from Canada, why don't you go back home? Well, I could, except Canada doesn't have a province like Florida that has tons of sun and warm weather and palm trees. I'm a dual citizen so I have the same rights as U.S. born individuals and I pay taxes like U.S. born people and I don't like millions of illegal aliens coming into this great (and too generous) country and straining our resources. What right do they have to protest when we put up walls and craft legislation to curb their greedy demand for our way of life? Fix your own damn country! Too many of these aliens come here and bring what they left behind with them and refuse to adapt to our way of life (witness the English/Spanish dealio going on here in Florida and, no doubt, California and all the other states near Mexico). If you want to live here, go through the process of entering the U.S. legally and, once here, learn English. Have any Americans noticed what's going on in Canada between French-speaking Quebec and the English-speaking rest of Canada? It ain't pretty. There's a lot of resentment in the rest of the country over Quebec's demands that everyone speak French. The same thing is going on here in Florida.
Yeah, I know, I got off the subject of illegal aliens. This is my idea - let all the Mexicans, Hondurans and El Salvadoran gangs come up here. Then we'll go down to Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador, which are nice, warm places with mountains and water and lush vegetation, and we'll establish a new country. Let all the Cubans come up here and we go down to Cuba, tell Fidel to take a hike, and create one huge Disney World. What do you think? I'm thinking it's a good plan. I'm thinking it just might work.
Yeah, I know, I got off the subject of illegal aliens. This is my idea - let all the Mexicans, Hondurans and El Salvadoran gangs come up here. Then we'll go down to Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador, which are nice, warm places with mountains and water and lush vegetation, and we'll establish a new country. Let all the Cubans come up here and we go down to Cuba, tell Fidel to take a hike, and create one huge Disney World. What do you think? I'm thinking it's a good plan. I'm thinking it just might work.