Happy April!
Nothing much happening today. Planted a few flowers, threw away some dead plants, fixed cat escape #1 (hopefully), pulled my back (ouch!), reassembled my outdoor lamppost (which doesn't work but it looks pretty), ate brownies for breakfast, washed my hair, looked up extended car warranties for the umpteenth time, and now I'm awaitin' on Diane to call so we can hang out on this beautiful Saturday afternoon. I also looked up car statistics (consumer complaints and manufacturer recalls) on my 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Can I say YOWZA???? Some bad things wrong with the Jeep. Maybe by the time I bought it a few months ago, these things like outtacontrol speed control, broken driver's seat, bad brakes (apparently this never ends unless you repair it with non-Jeep parts), and failing transmission have been fixed. I hope so. That's why I'm researching car warranties again. Now, talk about nightmares! Geez, you have to have a degrees in engineering and bullshit to understand what's going on in this industry. Makes a girl wanna run away to Manhattan where no cars are needed.
Well, so much for cars that need a bath. Right now a cardinal is just singing away in the warmth and sun. Is he calling for a mate? My back is just aching. Time for me to eat more brownies and then take some b/w photos just for the fun of it. Au revoir.
Well, so much for cars that need a bath. Right now a cardinal is just singing away in the warmth and sun. Is he calling for a mate? My back is just aching. Time for me to eat more brownies and then take some b/w photos just for the fun of it. Au revoir.