Oh so quiet day

Hey, it's Monday. It's a long Monday. Dogs woke me at 6:00am just a barkin' away. Some guys were in a car parked in the middle of the lane in front of my neighbor's yard. The car was facing the wrong way (maybe they were British). So, me being the "white b - - ch" that I am (my pet name given not-so-lovingly by some Tampa Heights drug dealers) I stared at them and then searched the perimeter of my yard. They finally started the car up and left. That's the way it is in the 'hood - you can never let your guard down. Some people in this neighborhood think that's being too nosy. Live and let live, they say. Well, go live in Sulphur Springs. Now, that's a neighbhorhood where too many people live and let live - garbage everywhere, drug dealers, drug users, prostitutes, dead cars, trash in the yard, overgrown lots, houses falling down, etc. etc. There are some very brave souls trying to resuscitate that neighbhorhood. They have a very long haul in front of them.

So, that's how my Monday started. And then off to work I went where I....worked. And then grocery shopping. And then home to water thirsty plants (hey, Jim, are you gonna call the cops? That's another story). And now it's time to walk the dogs. Is it Saturday yet? But then, what do I care? I work on Saturdays anyway.....I'm thinking it's about time to run away, or actually, run to something, something good, something that should be, something that might just turn out to be spectacular.


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