Home Depot Bound
It's Thursday and there's no "Survivor" so I'm heading to Home Depot to buy wood siding for my house. What else does a girl do with her time and money? I remember my apartment days. No money spent on wood siding, lawnmowers and garden tools, paint, caulk, fencing, taking down dead trees about to fall on the neighbor's house, termite tenting, etc. Soon my old house will need a new roof. There's something to be said for owning your own house. It's yours and, unless you live in a deed-restricted neighborhood, you can paint it whatever color you want, landscape it how you want, put a fence up, take a fence down, etc. The downside is all the money and time that goes into repairs and renovations. Money that could be spent on traveling, going out to eat, buying cool things, or money that could just be saved. Now, my house is wearing my money. There's always something that needs to be done. I guess there's a tradeoff no matter what you do. Just like life....