Achy Breaky Girl

My fingers are numb, my shoulders are aching, my nose is dripping (how lovely). I am not a cold weather woman. No siree. I moved to Florida to be warm and I resent the temperature going down to 38 degrees. I don't understand how you can live in a place with palm trees and soft sand beaches and be freezing. How is it that frigid Canadian winter weather can come down here into my warm wonderland and create an Eskimo out of me?

Of course it might help if I had adequate heat in my house. A couple of small space heaters will not heat a 1600 square foot wood bungalow. I know that. I also know that I can't afford to put CHA in this house (which may be a good reason this house is not selling, the current horrendous real estate market aside). It's kinda funny, or sad, that I have spent most of my 30+ years in Florida living in homes without a good source of heat (or air conditioning). Why, you ask? Damned if I know. Guess I like to torture myself or something. Part of it too is that there is more warmth to west central Florida than cold, and after the winter is over, I forget about my numb fingers and aching back from tensing up due to the coldness.

But I still think that it should be warm here year-round, that the temperature should not be allowed to drop below 50 degrees at night, that meterologists should go to school to learn how to control the weather (not just track and report it), and that the highest bidders get to win their personal best weather. This would also eliminate hurricanes and tornadoes and floods. Hey, I think I might be onto something....


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