The Question of Autumn

I can't decide whether I like spring or autumn better. They each possess unique properties. In spring I can feel the vibrations of an earth beginning to awaken after the shutdown of winter. The energy of a new start, new growth, new adventures. The commencement of life renewed -- yes, we are alive after all. Many of us have been buried in snow, ice and cold all winter. Those of us in west central Florida -- well, what can I say -- we've had it easy. A few cold days, a little bit of rain, some cloudiness, but for the most part, it's sun and fun all the way.
In the autumn, I sense the earth beginning to slow down, to descend into the cycle of sleep and peacefulness. This is the time to say sayonara to summer. For some of us this is a happy period; we wave goodbye to steamy, muggy days and nights. For others, it's the death knell for welcomed warmth and light and the start of the journey into darkness and cold.
This could become a neverending debate. Spring-Autumn. Spring-Autumn. Spring-Autumn. Hmmm . . . what's a girl to do? This needs more thought . . . over tea and cookies. Now, that's a treat that could be served in both spring and fall. Yeah.