Monday Blahs
I'm walking tired today. I'm thinking there must be something more going on than just the vestiges of a flu gone bad. Energy seems to be evading me these days. Maybe I need some Geritol. (Does Geritol even exist anymore?)
This has been a long, hard year. Perhaps I can blame my listlessness and my shortness of breath on being worn down to almost nothing by a life that seems to be stuck in nowheresville. No matter what I do I run full-tilt into an invisible cement wall. It feels like I'm squashed under Mercury in quadruple retrograde. It's the strangest feeling.
But even if I'm a mashed bug in the universe, I still have hope that everything will turn out well -- my heart will begin beating in a synchronized rhythm once again and my legs will have the strength to carry me where I want to go. Sometimes hope is all a person has.