Just A Thought
Geez Louise, I just noticed that it's Friday the 13th and it'll be over by the time I'm finished writing this.
I thought it was just an ordinary day. It was just an ordinary day, albeit maybe a bit stressful since my cat Milla is missing.
Milla is a stray that I adopted six years ago. Before I could get her spayed, she birthed five beautiful babies, one of whom still lives with us. Sometimes I wish I believed in the concept of indoor animals. Sometimes I wish I would make my cats stay inside the house for their entire lives. Sometimes I wish I thought it was acceptable for my cats to be able to only enjoy the outdoors through a living room window. It's moments like this, when one of my cats is missing, that the thought of creating indoor animals draws me in.
But then, I see stranger cats watching me savoring the outdoors while they're imprisoned in a house, apartment, condo. To me they look sad. I know my cats would be safe if I locked the door against the God-given world of trees, birds, grass, dirt, leaves, mice, wind, sun on fur, warm cement, dogs, wildlife, rain, clouds, cars, people. Milla wouldn't be missing if I had kept her jailed inside my bungalow. But I feel that being an integral member of the outside world, exploring the aspects of nature and urban life, sensing the rhythm of the earth under the feet is worth the risk. After all, there's no guarantee I'm coming back alive when I drive away from my house. It's all part of living.
But that doesn't mean I'm not anxious, sad, and scared while I pray for Milla's safe return. It doesn't mean that sometimes I don't question my beliefs. The one thing I'm certain of in this life is that you can't escape your fate. It doesn't matter if you're wealthy or on welfare. It doesn't matter if you're a human, a domestic pet or a wild animal - there are journeys you can't forego or pray away or hide from. I guess it's all part of the Divine Plan For Those Of Us Who Live On This Planet. Who really knows. All I know right now is that Milla is not at my office door, meowing loudly because she wants to sit on my lap. Perhaps Milla's earth journey is completed. I'm just gonna have to wait and see.