Monday All Day
I had a good day today, even if mostly what I did was go grocery shopping. I bought a roll of 35mm film to see what I can do with my old 35mm camera gathering dust on the shelf. I used to take decent and somewhat arty photos with 35mm film because the camera is simple and manual. My photos with my little digital camera are simple but I can't seem to find the artistic edge to them that I like. I guess that's why it's almost a given that photographers now manipulate their digital photos in Photoshop. I still want my photos to be au naturel, with maybe a touch of cropping sometimes. I'm just an old-fashioned girl, I guess.
I visited my friend today too. We ate fresh pineapple on her porch while her plethora of outside cats and kittens played in the yard. The felines like me because I bring them canned food. When I decided to walk home, five of her cats followed me no matter which direction I tried to go. She finally tricked them into thinking they were going to get fed in the gazebo where she feeds them twice a day so I could escape.
My friend doesn't know it yet but I'm going to see to it that at least some of her cats get spayed and neutered. She won't do it, for financial reasons she says, but I think that's just plain out wrong. So, for the cats' sake (especially the females who have had several litters - most of the kittens died), I'm going to spay/neuter one cat at a time as the money comes to me. That will make me feel better, knowing that those cats aren't going to keep reproducing, which will shorten their lives. So I'm asking God and the heavenly spirits beyond right now for spay/neuter money. Are you listening? It costs $40 per cat at Animal Coalition of Tampa. Are you listening?
I started writing a short story today for a Writer's Digest contest in December. I haven't written a short story in years. This oughta be interesting because it's actually a short short story contest. The maximum word count is 1,500 words. That's like 6 pages at 250 words per page. Yikes!
This week is a busy one on the cancer journey. Support group, acupuncture, heart test, blood test, port insertion. The port kinda freaks me out. There's going to be this strange contraption under my skin that will be attached to my aorta. It's almost science fiction. I'm going to be this person with a tunnel to my main source of life. Makes a girl wanna eat chocolate, so I think I will. Right now.