Old Cat Blues - The Final Chapter

The saga of the 15-year-old deaf cat kicked out of her home because she peed on clean clothes in a basket has come to a conclusion.

Her name was Magic, but all the magic in the world couldn't stop the last of her nine lives from ending. My friend found her one morning about 10 days ago, dead in the street, killed by a hit and run driver. My friend, who has an aversion to anything less than beautiful, couldn't bring herself to pick up disfigured Magic and lay her on the grass, so her daughter and her boyfriend removed Magic from the street and laid her on their property. The daughter and her boyfriend knocked on the door of the house belonging to the neighbors who basically sentenced their cat to death and told them what happened. The couple did nothing about it, and it was left to the daughter and her boyfriend to bury Magic in my friend's backyard.

I didn't find out about this until I walked down to my friend's house with food for Magic. The cat had been dead for a week and my friend hadn't told me. Her daughter, holding her baby son, gave me the sad news. I was angry at my friend and almost livid with the neighbors across the street. I yelled at their house when I left, but they didn't hear me. I'm angry with myself because I didn't go down to where poor Magic wandered from human to human, trying to find food and love, and pick her up and bring her home with me. I'm angry that I didn't call Animal Services on those ugly-spirited human owners and report the neglect and abuse of Magic at their hands. I'm angry that Magic was left to die on the street, alone, at night, across from the home where she once lived and in front of the home where she wanted to live.


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