Sunday morning. I stumble outside to retrieve my newspaper and my hungry cat. Bring them both inside. Unbundle the newspaper, open it to the front page...and then I laughed. The Tampa Tribune headline says (in bold black letters): Putting Florida back to work? And underneath the headline is a photo of Governor Rick Scott, known not-so-affectionately in our household as The Terminator. On May 26, he signed a state budget that eliminates 4500 state jobs, 1300 of which are currently filled. That's 1300 more people standing in the unemployment lines. And we know Scott isn't too fond of the unemployed. After all, he was in office barely five minutes before he was telling the unemployed to "try harder." Try harder at what? Trying to get hired for jobs that don't exist? And now, of course, there are thousands of school teachers who are getting pink-slipped. Who knows how many of them will be hired back for the fall. It's also been estimated that 8400 construction jobs were obliterated when monies from a transportation fund went wandering elsewhere, perhaps to legislative pet projects...or are those included in the nasty special interests Scott is adamantly against? Who knows.
Yeah, it's true that Scott has traveled out of the state in an effort to entice businesses to relocate to Florida. But what kind of jobs is he bringing into the state? Are there enough skilled unemployed to fill them? So far, most of the companies coming to Florida are aviation-related. Don't think too many school teachers would be qualified for those jobs. I know I'm not. What I do know is that I'm still laughing. Governor All About Jobs? Uh, don't think so.