Sometimes (lately, too many times) the way people act and the way the world is today is just too much for a laid-back person like me to deal with. Well, maybe I'm not that laid-back anymore. Life has a way of scratching your skin raw and all you seem to do is bleed. And that hurts. And that makes me angry. After all, y'know, it's all about me. That's the way of civilization today, at least American civilization because that's all I know. It's all about me. Here's a short list of WHATS-DRIVING-ME-NUTS BECAUSE, AFTER ALL, IT'S ALL ABOUT ME:
Why can't drivers use the turn signals in their cars to warn those behind them that they're turning into a side street? Why just suddenly slow down and turn without warning? Do you have to have a Mensa-level brain to understand how to use a turn signal?
Why do people drive super fast, zooming in and out spaces between moving cars in different lanes, to get to the red light first? Is there some kind of prize attached to this that I don't know about?
Why do morning people rule the world? Why do so many jobs (the kind of jobs I'm qualified for) have to start between 8:00 am and 9:00 am? Why can't morning begin at noon?
Why do at-home people let their dogs bark and bark and bark, especially early in the morning and late at night? Do they think their neighbors love to hear the sound of a big dog barking for no damn reason?
On what planet is it okay for a neighbor to plug an electric bass guitar into an amp, sit on an outdoor bench by his front door, and wail away on it when the next door neighbor's small house is about 15 feet away? None of the units in this townhouse/villa subdivision where I live are well-insulated so there's no getting away from it unless you get in your car and leave or open your door and yell bloody murder.
Why can't cats make up their minds about whether they want to be in or out? It is not my life's ambition to be a cat doorperson.
Why do fleas exist? What is their purpose, other than to drive animals wild with scratching and for Advantage and other anti-flea companies to make a fortune off of people with pets?
Why is "rush hour" called rush hour? No one is rushing; we're sitting and crawling, and it lasts more than an hour.
Why does rush hour happen at all? If we're all driving 55 mph on the highway, why are we stopping and inching forward? How does rush hour become crawl hour? There never seems to be any logical reason (other than an accident).
Why aren't stoplights coordinated? Why does one light go green and by the time the first cars in line begin to reach the next light a few blocks down this light goes red? Sometimes I think the local governments are in cahoots with the gas, brake, and transmission companies.
Why does one grocery store belonging to the same company have something I like but the others close by don't have this item, so then I have to go to this store for this item and that store for that item? Why can't they sell the same things so I don't have to store hop? (I'm talking to you, Publix).
Why do we have to experience time changes twice a year? It's disruptive. Your mind and body has to get used to it, and for me it causes a weird feeling like I'm not really on this planet.
Why wouldn't the new Epson Wi-fi printer I bought connect to my laptop, either by Wi-fi or USB cable, no matter what I tried to do or what Epson had me do? It shouldn't have been that difficult. I had to return it and now I have to research another printer, hoping that it will "like" my little laptop.
After I listed my cell phone number on the Do Not Call list, why did I suddenly get a continual barrage of unwanted calls on my cell that I never had before I put it on the Do Not Call list? Was this a bullseye for robocalls in English and Spanish and other sales calls? Listen up, y'all, I don't want to win a cruise. Leave me alone.
Why do lawmakers and our president insist that guns are not the problem, mental illness is? How on earth are they, or anyone else, going to figure out who has a mental illness? Who is going to stop any "normal" person from buying an arsenal if they do it online bit by bit? My former boss told me he owns 25 guns. What should we make of that? If our governments and the NRA keep on believing that guns are not the problem, then we'll keep on experiencing massacres like what happened at the First Baptist Church in Texas, the Las Vegas outdoor concert, the Inland Regional Center in California, Umpqua Community College in Oregon, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina, the Century 16 movie theater in Colorado, Virginia Tech in Virginia, Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, the Pulse nightclub in Orlando . . . and the list goes on.
Well, I'm done kvetching for now. It's almost 5:00 pm, but it feels like 10:00 pm to me and I'm tired. But the world is always amazing, isn't it? Because even right now, in the midst of all my wah-wahing, a little squirrel is munching on the leftover cat foot I left outside for a lactating raccoon. The squirrel is sitting on her hind legs, so tiny, so cute, so unconcerned with all my yelling on this blog. Ahhhh, there is still sweetness in the midst of this so often walking-dead world.
Why can't drivers use the turn signals in their cars to warn those behind them that they're turning into a side street? Why just suddenly slow down and turn without warning? Do you have to have a Mensa-level brain to understand how to use a turn signal?
Why do people drive super fast, zooming in and out spaces between moving cars in different lanes, to get to the red light first? Is there some kind of prize attached to this that I don't know about?
Why do morning people rule the world? Why do so many jobs (the kind of jobs I'm qualified for) have to start between 8:00 am and 9:00 am? Why can't morning begin at noon?
Why do at-home people let their dogs bark and bark and bark, especially early in the morning and late at night? Do they think their neighbors love to hear the sound of a big dog barking for no damn reason?
On what planet is it okay for a neighbor to plug an electric bass guitar into an amp, sit on an outdoor bench by his front door, and wail away on it when the next door neighbor's small house is about 15 feet away? None of the units in this townhouse/villa subdivision where I live are well-insulated so there's no getting away from it unless you get in your car and leave or open your door and yell bloody murder.
Why can't cats make up their minds about whether they want to be in or out? It is not my life's ambition to be a cat doorperson.
Why do fleas exist? What is their purpose, other than to drive animals wild with scratching and for Advantage and other anti-flea companies to make a fortune off of people with pets?
Why is "rush hour" called rush hour? No one is rushing; we're sitting and crawling, and it lasts more than an hour.
Why does rush hour happen at all? If we're all driving 55 mph on the highway, why are we stopping and inching forward? How does rush hour become crawl hour? There never seems to be any logical reason (other than an accident).
Why aren't stoplights coordinated? Why does one light go green and by the time the first cars in line begin to reach the next light a few blocks down this light goes red? Sometimes I think the local governments are in cahoots with the gas, brake, and transmission companies.
Why does one grocery store belonging to the same company have something I like but the others close by don't have this item, so then I have to go to this store for this item and that store for that item? Why can't they sell the same things so I don't have to store hop? (I'm talking to you, Publix).
Why do we have to experience time changes twice a year? It's disruptive. Your mind and body has to get used to it, and for me it causes a weird feeling like I'm not really on this planet.
Why wouldn't the new Epson Wi-fi printer I bought connect to my laptop, either by Wi-fi or USB cable, no matter what I tried to do or what Epson had me do? It shouldn't have been that difficult. I had to return it and now I have to research another printer, hoping that it will "like" my little laptop.
After I listed my cell phone number on the Do Not Call list, why did I suddenly get a continual barrage of unwanted calls on my cell that I never had before I put it on the Do Not Call list? Was this a bullseye for robocalls in English and Spanish and other sales calls? Listen up, y'all, I don't want to win a cruise. Leave me alone.
Why do lawmakers and our president insist that guns are not the problem, mental illness is? How on earth are they, or anyone else, going to figure out who has a mental illness? Who is going to stop any "normal" person from buying an arsenal if they do it online bit by bit? My former boss told me he owns 25 guns. What should we make of that? If our governments and the NRA keep on believing that guns are not the problem, then we'll keep on experiencing massacres like what happened at the First Baptist Church in Texas, the Las Vegas outdoor concert, the Inland Regional Center in California, Umpqua Community College in Oregon, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina, the Century 16 movie theater in Colorado, Virginia Tech in Virginia, Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, the Pulse nightclub in Orlando . . . and the list goes on.
Well, I'm done kvetching for now. It's almost 5:00 pm, but it feels like 10:00 pm to me and I'm tired. But the world is always amazing, isn't it? Because even right now, in the midst of all my wah-wahing, a little squirrel is munching on the leftover cat foot I left outside for a lactating raccoon. The squirrel is sitting on her hind legs, so tiny, so cute, so unconcerned with all my yelling on this blog. Ahhhh, there is still sweetness in the midst of this so often walking-dead world.