New year and still strolling

I was going to start a new blogging life by changing the look and content of this blog because I thought I should be like other bloggers, y'know, like have a theme (cooking, self-help, cute kittens) instead of my Seinfeld yadayada about nothing much. A millennial work colleague told me I should just be myself. Now there's a thought.

In the past couple of weeks I've read about people my age who said basically with age comes enlightenment -- now they aren't bothered by so many of the things which used to drive them nuts, they aren't concerned about what other people think of them, that this is one of the good things about aging. I somehow missed all these age-related revelations. Guess I must have been looking for cool-colored rocks scattered between the railroad tracks instead of attaining wisdom. I do, however, have a pretty nice rock collection.

Another colleague at work who is about the same age as me is wandering in the same unsteady plateau as I am. There have been (and continue to be) vast changes at our workplace and this has rattled our concept of our futures as we thought they would be. I never really had a plan, though; I just thought things would keep on going along as they have been. Don't ask me where I envision myself in five years (that old standard interview question) because, while I don't exactly live in the now, I don't have any idea where I'm going or why I'm going there. I would like to be a writer when I grow up but I may have missed that boat. I'm still an animal rescuer, usually cats, because they find me, need me, and I can't say no. I still love flowers, looking at them and drawing them and trying to keep live ones alive. I still love peace and quiet because like food feeds my body, quietness (is that a word?) feeds my spirit. I'm still an armchair adventurer, although I just might get crazy (if I have the money - always a problem) and travel to Iceland this summer.  I still love reading fiction and memoirs and, even though I have given away many books, I'm still buying more (Barnes & Noble, I'll be visiting you this week). Question: How many books can you fit into a 638 square foot home? I'm still driving my 22-year-old BMW and though it has cost me mega bucks in the past couple of years to keep it going and I'm taping some things together (like the driver's seat rip at the seams), I'm not ready to give it up yet.

So, I guess I'm still me even if I don't know as much as other baby boomers who seem to have pondered and learned from life while I spent my time trying not to fall off the cliff. 


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