Letter to an asshole

To the cretin who sent me the email demanding $808 in bitcoin:

Yeah, I'm talking to you wherever, whatever you are -- How dare you threaten me (and many others, I'm sure) with your demand that I hand over $808 in bitcoin or otherwise you're going to post all the porn photos I have on my computer, which must be on your computer because they sure the hell aren't on mine. I know you or whoever you bought my email address from hacked LinkedIn because you have one of my old LinkedIn passwords from last year. And, yeah, that freaked me out, but one of the good things about the Internet is you can search for help with stuff like this and you find out that assholes like you are just impotent creeps hiding behind a computer screen, thinking you're all powerful because you can try to extort money from people by ruining their reputation or stealing their photos and information. But really you're nothing. You're not even worth the air you breathe. So, you can take your threat and shove it into the empty space in your head where there should be a brain because you ain't nothing but one of the walking dead.

I suppose I should send love and forgiveness to the one who has wronged me, but I just can't do it, especially to someone who anonymously does crap like this online, not just to me but to others who may send the ransom money because they're afraid of the threat of porn photos posted everywhere with their name on them. So, instead of forgiveness I'm sending you a curse that will last your entire lifetime (and I'll demand a helluva lot more than $808 in bitcoin to remove it).


Angry in Tampa 


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