Been at home now going into the 4th week. I like it, and don't want it to end. Don't like the reason I'm home, though. I still can't believe we're all living in an apocalyptic nightmare. Every morning when I wake up, I go searching on Google to see if the Coronavirus is real, if it is indeed a thing stalking mankind (and animal-kind as well, it seems). And every morning it is real. It's killing and hurting thousands of human beings.
I saw an Australian documentary called Pandemic on Netflix or Amazon Prime; it was produced in 2005 after the bird flu started killing people, birds, and livestock. One of the experts predicted that another, more dangerous, pandemic was just a matter of time, and that all countries needed to be ready for it in terms of medical supplies and equipment. Another medical expert said that a vaccine against the future widespread virus epidemic could not be developed until the virus appeared because the virus will mutate and become something beyond already developed vaccines.
And here we are, 15 years later, scrambling to find a solution to this monumental worldwide killer.
Makes a girl just want to drink wine, eat chocolate, and watch the outside world of nature that just goes on as usual as if the girl in the house isn't afraid to leave it because she might get a monster flu and die. So here's a glass in celebration of you squirrels, opossums, raccoons, cardinals, hawks, crows, blue jays, lizards, white ibis, little birds I don't the name of, butterflies, sun, wind, leaves, trees, clouds, sandy earth, dew on my sleeping car, broken fences, flowers, weeds, stray kitties, and my dog and my cat who wonder why I'm home all day.
