Don't get it

A couple of years ago I visited Cedar Key and saw this sign. I don't know about you but my pets consist of dogs and cats, not sharks. Who has a shark in their backyard and why would they want to drop it off over there to the left? What's over there, anyway? Is it shark school? Drop off and pick up. Makes sense. I know if I had a shark I would want it to be well educated. As for the hump ahead -- who knows? Short for humpback whale? Things are a bit wild up there in Cedar Key, y'know.

On another subject -- I was surfing the internet to see what kind of writing jobs are out there in the big wide world. Found on one on Sign me up! Experience isn't required but you must be fluent in English and know all about grammar and writing stuff like that. If you work 30-40 hours a week, 5 days a week, you get paid -- this is real; it was on the website -- $400-$700 a month. Not a week, not every two weeks. A month. Pay per word rates range from 1 cent per word to 3 cents per word. Since they keep adding USD after the pay rates, I'm assuming that this company is based in a country where $400 a month is enough to live on. Maybe I should move there, live in a hut and drink homemade wine.

Most of the writing jobs I see are for technical writers. I got left behind on that one. Not technology-oriented at all. I can get around the Internet and a computer, but you have to understand the technical aspects of a thing before you can write about it. Oh well.

So, I guess I'll just have to forge my own road because I'm sure not getting the way the world works when it comes to creative fiction writers in the 21st century. But then again, I really don't get much how life works on all fronts. If I did, I would probably be where I should have been and been who I should have been and then I wouldn't be writing this because I would be living in a beautiful cottage by the sea, sipping fine wine, writing best-selling novels and essays and poetry and short stories, and creating my own days, my own schedule. You go, girl-who-should-have-been!

9 Ways to Get Better at Writing - Personal Growth - Medium


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