Just gonna say it
I don't understand Americans. What is with the stay-at-home protesters? What's with the loaded weapons? Is this going to make the coronavirus run back to China? Oh, I forgot. It's all fake news.
What I find particularly abhorrent is to equate stay-at-home in your comfortable house with air conditioning, TV, the internet, food in the refrigerator, a nice bed, and music with slavery. Spoken like entitled, ignorant white people. Slavery? You have got to be kidding me. You can still leave your nice home, get in your nice car, drive to the nice grocery store or a nice quiet place far from crowds (or in the case of the protesters, shoulder-to-shoulder in large groups), walk around your nice neighborhood, talk/text your friends and family on your nice smartphone, order from nice local restaurants and have the food delivered by a nice delivery driver. Slavery? On what planet? This is not slavery by any stretch of the imagination.
Do you ever think about all the hundreds, probably thousands, of crew members stuck on cruise ships sitting off coastlines who can't go home because they're not allowed off the ships? One woman described being confined to an 8x8 foot room with no windows, all day, all night, every day, for weeks, only allowed out three times a day to walk around the outside area of the ship. She can't go home to see her family, sleep in her own bed, laugh with her puppy. And if you're sick on this cruise ship, you don't get to leave that 8x8 room, and maybe you die there. Slavery, America?
Just because you can't go to the bar down the street and get a beer doesn't mean you have a right (ooohhhhh, that big American word that muddles the intelligence and too often gives rise to idiocy and violence) to yell Slavery. You don't have the right to use that word. You are not a slave. You can get into your nice car right now and drive away and no one's going to hunt you down and kill you, except maybe for the coronavirus because it doesn't care who you are and what you think or if you have children or elderly parents or if you haven't yet completed the items on your bucket list. But I guess that's one way to end your slavery, dear American.