Do you ever feel like you're wandering around in a circle and you think everything is new but then you find it's the same old place? I just wrote a post about being a homeowner because it's the only alternative right now to a sky-high rental market that doesn't take kindly to 55-pound dogs. And then I realized after I wrote it that I had already written something similar in August. Guess I have a one-track mind right now. Either that or I am running on empty and about to slam shut on the freeway.
I am just so tired all the time now. I look back at my life and wonder where did all energy go. Part of it could be the aging process, although I did get carded at Target when I bought some Sangria a couple of days ago. Oh yeah. Girl is bringing the youth vibe! Not! I did self-checkout and the computer yelled somebody come and check this customer's ID to make sure she's 21. Well, it was kinda fun for a few seconds.
I think I'm gonna take a nap now. I can feel my eyelids sinking down to sleepland. I wonder why. Could it be that I couldn't get to sleep last night so I watched a 1941 black & white Joan Crawford movie until 3am, and then got up at 8am to take my dog Wyoming to the mall so we can walk around without the danger of other people walking dogs because Wyoming is dog-reactive and goes ballastic when she sees another dog? Today, however, there were two other people walking small dogs (not high on Wyoming's I-like-you list). So, I cleverly maneuvered Wyoming to face away from those dogs and took her on a different route. She had no idea I had outwitted her, and she wouldn't care anyway because there are just too many wonderful scents for her to explore.
Okay. That's enough talking about nothing in particular. Ciao for now.