
Why did someone poison eight wolves in Oregon, an entire pack among the dead? Vengeance? Wolf hatred? Boredom?

Why does this mutating coronavirus refuse to die, and why are people not wearing masks in public in an effort to eradicate it?

Why is my hair going grey when I still feel 16 years old?

Why does my cat vomit all the time?

Why did the plumber charge me $341 for 15 minutes worth of simple work? 

Why did I pay $105 to get my car detailed, only to have the elements and my furry dog destroy all that work and money within a week?

Why won't my gargantuan school loan go away FOREVER?

Why is a Master's degree required to be a librarian? 

Why do so many young men love subwoofers on their cars that pound, pound, pound through the neighborhood?

Why are humans destroying the very planet they live on? 

Why does dark chocolate taste soooo good?

Why aren't I writing the Great American Novel instead of this wayward blog?

Why can't I live in a straight line like so many people I know? Why am I always falling off cliffs?

Why do Australian Shepherds shed, shed, and shed some more?

Why do I have a red car in the midst of all the white, silver and beige cars belonging to my colleagues?

Why do I bite my nails?

Why was I born?

Why am I so sad sometimes I can barely breathe?

Why is time zipping by? Why don't I have more time?

Why do I only have one day off when I would like 20,000 days off to do what I want?

Why are tigers such incredibly beautiful, magnificent animals?

Why do I love to read about people who climb mountains like Everest and K2, yet have absolutely no desire to climb a mountain myself?

Why did I wish I was a blue-eyed blond girl when I was a teenager? 

Why is the world the way it is? Is this some kind of cosmic test?

Why are you reading this?


 Damned if I know.



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