I wish I was a cat

I wish I was a cat. I could just lay around all day, sleeping, dreaming, at peace with myself and my world, just waking up every now and again to pee or meow for a treat. I would be supple and trim without having to exercise. I would wake up beautiful, no need for makeup or hair coloring or plastic surgery to bend back time. I could stretch and stretch without pulling any muscles or straining my lower back. My meals would be made for me every day by my human, the only caveat being that I would have to eat -- or not -- the meal put before me in my little pink bowl. Oh, and don't forget the human hands stroking my back, scratching under my chin and around my ears, and lightly touching my nose and feet. I can lay on the sofa, curled up, listening to the TV or the radio, not ever having to get up to do stuff like vacuuming and dusting or go to someplace called work five days a week.

Yes, this is the perfect cat life, although we all know that not all cats have wonderful lives. 

But I still wish I was a cat . . . like my Tula and Taji, my little rescued ones. 


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