Pile of Dust
Have you ever gone looking for a job online and read the duties and responsibilities for the job and the detailed descriptions for the kind of employee the company is looking for? Lordamercy. Often, I can't even get through the job details before I'm bored to death. And then I read the experience and qualities for the candidate, and I'm thinking -- Are there really people out there who are so damn fabulous with all this outrageously fabulous experience? And you know the company is not looking for a Baby Boomer, probably not even a Gen Xer. So, who are these fabulous people in the real world? Not me. That's for sure.
How did I get left behind? Did I get left behind? Is it because I'm not a Millennial? Maybe it's all code and, if you're in the know, you get it. You get the undertone, the reality of what these companies want. Or, maybe you just have to be damn fabulous.
I looked at FlexJobs for writers. There, you sell yourself: what you charge, what you can do, what you have done. And there are so many writers, so many. How do you stand out among the masses? I'm not entrepreneurial or a marketer or a salesperson. I'm kinda like J.D. Salinger and Harper Lee in that I'm reclusive and solitary, and I like it like that. Doesn't really fit in this world now. Maybe it never did.
This is what makes me miss the olden days when I was young. You just had to be a reliable person and pass the interview, and you got a job. Maybe it still works that way at McDonald's for teenagers.
I'm at a loss when it comes to being a professional writer. Do I have the Great American Novel hidden somewhere underneath my angst? The dream of many a writer. Or maybe I should just be a cat/dog sitter. After all, I love animals. Maybe that's a plan. Something to think about. But I betcha there are tons of cat and dog sitters out there, all vying for customers.
Time to win the Florida Lotto.