The Free State of Florida
So, I have heard Governor DeSantis talk about the free state of Florida, but I didn't realize it was officially official until I saw this welcome sign in a photo that captured a Florida state trooper vehicle parked below the sign, in the snow. [Because, even though we are The Sunshine State, we are also on the rare occasion The Snow State too.]
What I (and a woman from Georgia who saw the sign) want to know is . . . free from what?
Well, that got me thinking. Free from what, indeed.
So, Governor DeSantis, here is what I think the Free State of Florida means:
Free from political tyranny.
Free from governmental bullying and lying.
Free from prejudice and bias.
Free to say no and not get hammered into submission (remember what happened to DisneyWorld).
Free to learn about slavery in school because -- guess what? It really happened.
Free from book banning.
Free from the Moms for Liberty (y'know, that political organization that stomps its feet and yells against any kind of school curricula that mention LGBTQ rights, race and ethnicity, discrimination, and critical race theory -- all this horrendous WOKE stuff that sends DeSantis into hysterics).
Free from all types of crime.
Free from the devastation of hurricanes.
Free from illegal immigrants because they shouldn't be here (I'm thinking the Native Americans would say the same thing about white people).
Free from chemicals that poison our food.
Free from high homeowners' and car insurance rates.
Free from bosses who undercut and devalue their employees.
Free from mass shootings in schools, nightclubs, stores, and everywhere else.
Free from taxes -- any kind of taxes including federal.
Free from the fear of going to jail because of a life-saving abortion.
Free from the fear of going to jail because of a miscarriage that can look like the aftermath of an abortion.
Free from the obnoxious ramblings of rich people who have no clue what it's like for people in the middle/lower middle/lower classes who are just trying to put a simple meal on the dinner table.
Free from leaders who only listen to what they want to hear, and not what they need to hear.
Or, conversely, maybe the Free State of Florida means:
Free housing for everyone.
Free food for all.
Free health care, no matter the disease or injury.
Free gasoline, even for gas guzzlers.
Free clothing including underwear and shoes.
Free parking in the downtown and beach areas.
Free utilities.
Free college for everyone who is accepted.
Free to be homeless and sleep/live in the warm Florida sun without harassment.
Free to be who you are -- heterosexual or LGBTQ+.
The list could on on both accounts, but I have a feeling none of this is what Governor DeSantis meant by the Free State of Florida.
Because if you have to yell it out loud and shove it in people's faces, it really means that Free is not Free. This kind of Free comes with shackles and strangleholds for those who don't toe the line. If you're a good little boy or girl and stay within the confines of the DeSantis castle walls, then you'll be just fine.
If not . . . .