My cat is scratching her fleas
I’m chewing on my nails (once again)
A jet is passing overhead going somewhere
My ears are ringing for no reason
I’m hungry but I have no money for food
My house needs dusting (where’s the maid?)
I miss my dog and her happy smile
My immense debt thrashes against my heart
I just want to be drunk today tomorrow next week
I fear for the collapsing of democracy in the US
I can’t get the image of Chainsaw Muskrat out of my brain
One of the tom cats is staring at me through the glass door
My Hyundai Kona needs to be washed and waxed
I need to pay some bills (ugh)
My stash of dark chocolate is running low (nooooooo)
I’m applying for part-time retail jobs (it’s not going well)
I’m trying to win the Florida Lotto (it’s not going well)
I’m trying to write evocative poems (it’s not going well)
My sister wants me to work at Walmart
I don’t want to work at all
I’m not a Type A hyperactive morning person
Maybe I’m lazy
Maybe I’m too laid back
Maybe I just want to be quiet and let the earth whisper to my soul
