Wordpress Blues

I don't know why but I tried to create a grad school blog on wordpress just because I wanted to try something different, I guess. Lordamercy. It is so damn complicated on that site. I have an old blog on wordpress that I haven't bothered with in years, yet that keeps coming up when I sign in and I can't find my new blog. So the hell with wordpress. I'm back to easy-for-me Blogger....Okay, I created (and deleted) a new blog on Blogger again because when, oh when, is Blogger going to add some new templates? They've had the same free ugly templates for years. Hey, Blogger, let's change it up! Now I know why I rambled on over to wordpress. At least they have a wide range of blog templates, even if navigation is hell. I think I should join the Cormac McCarthy school of writing - no blogs, no email, no websites, no computers -- just a typewriter in a creative environment. Sounds good to me....


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