Tired today. Up all night, reading about cancer, searching for a new place to live, filling out short sale paperwork. It's noon and I'm crashing. Even chocolate can't stay the heavy hand of sleep.

Tomorrow is a long day -- two ouchy biopsies and a mammogram spaced awkwardly between noon and 3:30pm. I also have to come in earlier to talk to a clinical trial coordinator at Moffitt. I could think of more exciting things to do on a Friday. There's a small, quiet part of me that still can't believe that I have cancer. Can this be a parallel universe I've stumbled into and if I find the worm hole that I fell through, can I climb my way back into my former world of no-cancer? Cancer has derailed my plans, yet life goes on. I have a contract on my house after it being on the market for 11 months. The dogs, cats and fish still need to be fed, litter boxes cleaned, house swept, yardwork done, bills paid, etc. I just received a summons for jury duty 20 years after the last one. Of all times to summon me...I petitioned on the grounds of chemotherapy to be exempt from the fun and games of the justice system.  We'll see.

It's a beautiful day today. Sunny, coolish (compared to a week ago), humidity low. And I'm too tired to enjoy it.


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