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Five Months Later

Well, what can I say . . . I actually forgot I have a blog. Yep. Forgot. Because sometimes life just gets too complicated, too busy, too draining. Right now as I think back, I don't really understand how the days just flew by to become weeks gone and then months zipping by. It's kinda scary when I think that this is my life going by so fast. One day I was fifteen and then I was thirty and now I'm . . .  well, let's just say I'm older than dirt but young enough to play in the mud. I have no inspiring thoughts, no influencer yadayada, no wailing in the wind. I'm just trying to hang on to my breath and my spirit and the old cranky brain. I'm not making any promises to myself to keep writing here, or anywhere. I took several courses in which the presenters offered that writers are valuable and what we have to say is valuable and to just keep on writing, even if it feels like your words are being offered to the hurricane gods who may or may not obliterate them in

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