Full Moon Musing

Getting new neighbors soon. The house next door is being tented for termites after months of renovation. Have to tell you I'm kinda scared. I haven't had good luck with neighbors since moving to Tampa. Invariably, they're noisy, inconsiderate, play loud music, have tons of kids or dogs that bark incessantly, and they're usually up all night so I don't get much sleep. Right now Montana or Wyoming is looking pretty good. I guess I can hope that maybe, just maybe, a miracle might happen and the people moving in will be quiet, considerate, and work during the day and sleep at night. That definitely would be a miracle. Not likely, though. Urban neighborhoods aren't known for their peace and quiet and cleanliness. And, unfortunately, my part of the 'hood is changing, and not for the better. It was becoming a kinder, gentler, cleaner place but now I see a shift towards the negative. I wasn't planning on moving until 2007, but I'm thinking maybe I should get out now while the gettin' is still good. Some friends (and neighbors who also want to leave while the gettin' is good) have been talking about buying land with friends like me and creating a commune of sorts. But they want to stay in Florida and I want out of Florida. I figure if you're gonna shake up your life, you might as well go whole hog, if y'know what I mean. I might regret my choice to leave, but I'll also regret it if I choose the safe path. I sure don't want to be at the end of my life, wondering what would have happened if....

My boss says if you choose one door, you close another. You have to be courageous and choose the door you feel is best for you, and forget all those other doors left behind. Life is all about choices, and don't be afraid of mistakes because, actually, there is no such thing as a mistake. It's just a lesson, and you can learn from it or you can ignore it. It's all about choice.


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