Yeah, so the power window motor dealio died in my Jeep. Hey, no problem. I have an auto warranty, which amazingly paid for all but $100 (my deductible) of the repair. I've only had this warranty for a few months but already it's worth it, even if I'll be paying it off until next year. When those power window motors die, they don't fool around. Work one minute, dead the next. No warning shot. Since I wasn't planning on handing out $100 on Tuesday, on Saturday I went shopping and bought non-essentials like wine and organic cotton undies. I have a hard time reconciling buying fun stuff versus saving money for ugh stuff like broken power window motors. Not rich enough to play without paying. So most of the time I'm a conservative do-nothing, which, I have to tell ya, can get damn boring. Bought the Jeep so I could go places, explore the universe, boldly go where no over-40 woman has ever gone before...and then gas prices decided to boldly go where no U.S. gas prices have gone before, so now I stay home and watch my Netflix movies, eat chocolate, and hang out with my animals. Oh, yeah, I also mow the grass and weeds, do laundry, wash dishes, vacuum, dust stuff, and pick up furballs from the floor. Life sure is exciting!