Beyond animal cruelty - once again

I'm supposed to be working on a digital library project. The deadline is December 3rd, but I need to get something off my chest because I can't stop thinking about it. A few days ago, Animal Services and the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department shut down a massive dogfighting operation in rural Seffner that had been going on for 20 years. Twenty years! The authorities found hundreds and hundreds of dead dogs buried around the property, as well as seven dogs (mostly pit bulls) who were still alive, although in bad shape with severe untreated injuries. The heavily-chained dogs were kept in deplorable conditions; dirty water to drink, feces everywhere, fleas and bugs in abundance. The officials also discovered a blood-stained pit with fight tools where the dogfighting events took place. And apparently the owners, Vannie and Russell Franklin, were flippant about the whole business. They joked about officials 'walking on a graveyard.' No remorse, no guilt, no nothing. The Franklins were most likely a little miffed that their dog killing days were over (at least for the foreseeable future) because, after 20 years, an anonymous tipster finally turned them in to authorities. Whoever this person is, I thank him/her, but I find it difficult to believe that for 20 long years hundreds of dogs were abused, starved, beaten, chained, tortured, executed, and ripped apart, and no human being did anything about it . . . until now. It pains me to know that all those poor dogs all those decades had no protector to help them. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a dog? I don't know how anyone with any sort of humanity could do what the Franklins and all the godless people who came for the fights did to those dogs. The two men have criminal histories (quelle surprise!) and are out on probation. Not anymore. I hope Vannie and Russell Franklin receive long sentences. How about 20 years each? Seems fair to me.


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