One more week and it's all over (for now). One more week of class assignments and then I'm footloose and fancy-free. Yay! I'm thinking of all the cool things my dog Sully and I can do together. Last year we camped at Fort De Soto on a waterfront lot. Now that was fun! This year, I'm going to bring Sully to the Davis Islands dog park on the water. Sully found out he likes to play in the water when we visited the dog beach on Fort De Soto. It would be wonderful to see him romp in the mucky waters of Tampa Bay. Oh joy. Who knew a Border Collie would become a water dog? My other dog, Kodiak (who died last year), was not much of a water dog. He would let his paws get wet, maybe parts of his legs, but that was it. When he was a tiny puppy and I brought him to the Tampa Bay beach playground just west of Gandy Bridge, a man told me to throw my reluctant puppy into the water; that that would teach him to swim and love water. Don't think so, Mister. I let Kodiak decide what he wanted to do, and he decided not to go in the water. I understood. I don't like to go in the water either. You never know what's down below that you can't see. I saw "Jaws." I know what can happen.

My Christmas gift this year will be watching my 9-year-old dog splashing in the water, playing with other dogs, having fun . . . and not a cat to be seen anywhere. That oughta make Sully's day!