ignoring the world
I am ignoring the world. This is me ignoring the world.

Done watching the news. Done with protests and looting. Done with COVID-19.
Done with thinking I'm not good enough. Done with a world gone crazy.
Done with wondering what's next.
I'm not done with savoring dark chocolate, drinking rum (oh, yeah), eating yummy cookies, going for walks with my dog, playing in my yard with its weeds and plants, driving just for the sake of driving, shopping on Amazon, enjoying Radio Paradise, watching good and not-so-good movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime and Hoopla, bugging my cat (soooo much fun), feeding the squirrels out back, watching the birds in my backyard having fun with the birdbath, writing short short fiction that I send off into the world sometimes, pretending I'm still young (just don't look in the mirror), and just being quiet and peaceful at night when everyone else is asleep.