Wednesday evening in my world
This is a blank page, but I am not a blank person. I am filled with words, images, angst, hunger, wanderlust, love, fire, sadness, mountains, sun, animals, flowers, water. I am more than what I seem, what I look like, talk like, laugh like. I speak in words honeyed by rum, my thoughts jumbled and alive, my fingers missing their cue on the keyword. Tonight I will have fun. Tonight I will listen to music, watch a movie, play catch-the-toy with my dog, eat chocolate and spaghetti, daydream of better days in a different place that suits my soul. Tonight I might win the lottery. Tonight I might not. But there’s still rum, there’s still chocolate, there’s still the companionship of my furry, shedding dog and my cat with sharp claws. A girl always wins if she knows where to look.
