In Search of Chocolate

I've been sick for the last few days with a stomach thing. Haven't had chocolate in what seems like forever. I love dark chocolate. I could live in dark chocolate. If everyone ate dark chocolate, the world would be at peace. Maybe they have dark yummy chocolate in Oregon. I know they have good wine, so maybe there's a valley devoted to dark chocolate. My sister and I are visiting Oregon in October. The apples will be ripe, the wine will be flowing, the rain will be falling....and I can't wait! I don't, however, relish the idea of flying. It used to be easy to fly before 9/11; now it's very stressful. I hate that part of the trip. I used to love it. Not anymore. My sister and I usually take carry-on luggage, but now we're debating on whether to check in our luggage so we can bring toothpaste and lotion and hairspray and lipstick, for Pete's sake. How ridiculous! And the last time I checked out the restrictions, cell phones and laptops were still allowed in the passenger section of the plane. Oh, like those technologies can't set off a bomb...And now, apparently, everyone has to take off their shoes. A couple of years ago, people at the TIA security zone wearing sneakers or shoes with closed backs had to take off their shoes, so I wore clogs. When I left Seattle, everyone wearing sneakers kept their shoes on and those of us wearing clogs or sandals had to take off our shoes. Go figure....I think what's going to happen in the future is that anyone who wants to fly will have to arrive at the airport nude without luggage, cell phones, laptops, iPODs, gameboys, books or anything else. No jewelry, no lipstick, no cologne, no nothing. That oughta do it. Only dark chocolate will be served on the plane. No alcohol, no peanuts, no pretzels, nothing. Just pure,unadulterated dark chocolate and a horde of naked strangers. Hmmmmm....


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