OK, Where's The Time Goin'?

September is almost over. 2006 is almost over. Hurricane season is almost over (shhhh, shouldn't jinx it!). This is one fast year, although this is one slow week. Ran out of thyroid medication, and now I'm dragging. So, can I go out and commit outrageous crimes and blame it on my malfunctioning thyroid like people do who claim bipolar as a reason for just about everything bad that they do? Just curious. If I ran the gate at Macdill AFB in a stolen car, do you think that SOCOM would be worried about my little breach of national security? Hey, wait a minute...a couple of 16-year-olds just did that yesterday. Dangit, they beat me to it. Guess I'll have to think of some other crazy thing to do, on account of my outta control thyroid, y'understand.


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