black cat waitin' for you

black cat waitin' for you

I had forgotten that I have an Animoto account. The other day I created an almost three-minute video about my family with Microsoft's Movie Maker program and I wanted to post it to Facebook. Well, the powers-that-be had a fit because I used the theme song from the movie "Crazy Heart" and they refused to let me post it online because of copyright infringement. Geez, it was just for my family and friends because they are the only folks allowed to view my Facebook account; I wasn't gonna post it to the world-at-large. So, it will be interesting to see if Blogger's censors let me post this video of two of my cats that I created on Animoto five years ago . . . and it looks like it happened! Well, isn't that interesting.

Started thinking about the Facebook situation. I guess people could have shared the family video and maybe it could have wandered into the world-at-large, and I sure wouldn't want Jeff Bridges or whomever wrote the song to sue me, so I guess it was a good thing Facebook sent me a longish lawyerly email letter telling me I've been a very bad little girl.


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