New Idea

Along the way in my everyday life, I happened upon an article in the newsfeed on my iPhone. I don't recall all the details or even who said what I'm about to tell you. (Yes, I should have written it down but I didn't.) 

This man in the article is a spiritual leader and he said people keep asking him: "What is the meaning of life?" 

He said the question is not what is the meaning OF life, but what is the meaning IN life.

Wow. That changes everything.

It's not a question of looking out into the Universe, asking why do I exist, rather it's a search into your own spirit, your own uniqueness. and what you want out of life, what you want to create as your personal reality. 

YOU give the meaning to your life. Not anyone else. Not internet influencers. Not celebrities. Not your mother or your father. Not those mean kids in high school who ignored you like you didn't exist. 

Life is not perfect. There are bad times, there are sad times, but there are also good times, happy times, laughing times. This spiritual leader in the article also said to do more of what makes you happy. That was an eye-opener for me because, other than eating chocolate and playing with my new kitten, I can't think of anything that makes me happy (on a conscious level, anyway). Gonna have to ponder on that issue. You would think it would be easy, but not for me who tends to see the dark side of life.

I'm sure these concepts have been said by various individuals in various ways throughout the years, but, as the old saying goes, when you're ready, the teacher will appear, even if it's on an iPhone.


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