Today I Like Rain

Woke up to rain. Normally I don't like to wake up to rain. I want to see sunlight drifting through my sheer curtains, beckoning me to get up and get on with my day. But today there was rain. Not the hardcore rain we sometimes get here (especially in the last few days) but just a light rain. Grey skies, quiet, rain pattering, the occasional call of a bird.

But when I came out of my bedroom, one of my dogs had peed and pooped on the wool area rug in the front room and the other (or perhaps the same one) had peed on a sisal rug in the back room. And my cat Paquita had once again peed outside the litter box. Did I miss the memo? During the early hours of July 5th, was it mandatory to poop and pee in places not considered politically correct by humans? Or was it an experiment to see just how much stress one middle-aged unemployed woman in grad school could handle?

So, being of sound mind and body and armed with chocolate, I ran away from home. Got in the old BMW and took off, fast, on the interstate, in the rain, going nowhere, just going. I finally slowed down when I had to inch past a couple of badly crumpled vehicles on the ramp heading to I-75. But, man, it sure was nice to fly down the road in a low-slung Beamer, speeding into the grey, the rain, the possibility of somewhere else far from my life.

I came home three hours after I left. So much for running away. So much for freedom. So much for dreams. It was time to clean up the mess that was left behind.


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